Table of Contents
introduite en semaine 0
- statement (ex: say hello)
- loops (repeat 10)
- boolean expressions (mouse down ?)
- conditions (if, if else)
source code
source code
Source code ? what does it look like ?
concepts :
- compiler : a general term for a piece of software that take source code and produces object code from it ( source code → compiler → object code )
- object code : fancy term for 0 and 1
scratch -> C
Intéressant : après avoir montré scratch et fait utiliser, montrer l'équivalence en code source en C. Ce qui permet de limiter l'abstraction.
Aussi :
Le style d'écriture utilisé pour le cours des curly braces est celui-ci : smthg { //code } et non : smthg { // code } Peut-être que le style original est plus clair.
hello world
when green flag clicked → say hellow world“ équivaut en C à :
int main(void) { printf("hello, world\n"); }
say hello, world
printf("hello, world\n");
forever → say hello world
while (true) { printf("hello, world\n"); }
repeat 10 → say hello world
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("hello, world\n"); }
set counter to 0 → forever → say counter → change counter by 1
int counter = 0; while (true) { printf("%i\n", counter); counter++; }
boolean expressions
x < y
x < y and y < x
(x < y) <(x < y) && (y < z))
if x < y -> say x is less than y else if x > y -> say x is greater than y else -> say x is equal to y
if (x < y) { printf("x is less than y\n"); } else if { printf("x is greater than y\n"); } else { printf("x is equal to y\n"); }
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { // (parameter/input) printf("hello, world\n"); // statement }
previously : CS50 virtual machine with CS50 environment (linux) : make sure everyone have the same environment
now : cloud9 CS50 IDE
cloud : on someone else computer
week_1/lecture.txt · Last modified: 2016/08/20 22:10 by leo