Again the Auckland Council has failed in its statutory duty to represent the public and protect our natural heritage. A secret meeting was held last month by Auckland Transport to tell the public (who were not invited) that they had the right to fell six 80-year-old pohutakawa trees on Great North Road, opposite MOTAT, in order to widen the road for increased car use projected in 2026. Meanwhile the chainsaw gangs gag to be let loose as they were in Western Springs Stadium and in behind the zoo, and the local community board wrings its hands powerless to stop this CCO (Council Un-controlled Organisation)! Contrary to Auckland becoming the world’s most livable city, the build and natural environment struggles to survive while greedy developers enjoy corporate welfare at the public’s expense. A Widespread Auckland rates revolt is one way to get our councilors to listen to us.
P1 : Le council d’Auckland est légalement tenu de protéger les arbres à partir d’un certain âge
P2 : Les arbres concernés ont 80 ans et sont donc protégés
P3 : Le Council d’Auckland a choisit une offre qui prévoit de couper les arbres
C : Le council d’Auckland a failli à son devoir de protéger l’héritage naturel
P1 : Le council a tenu une réunion publique secrête, où ils se sont arrogé le droit de couper 6 Pohutakawa vieux de 80 ans.
[P2 : Le council est tenu statutairement et légalement de protéger l’héritage naturel et représenter le public]
C : Le council d’Auckland a failli à son devoir statutaire de représenter le public et à protéger notre héritage naturel.
lct/argument_or_not_2.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/23 06:00 by leo