← 4.14 FX | → |
<body> <div tabindex="0" style="background:black; height:100%;" > <input style="background:black; color:white; font-size:25pt" type="text" value="" id="freq_box"> <br> <input style="background:black; color:white; font-size:25pt" type="text" value="" id="freq_box_2"> <br> <input style="background:black; color:white; font-size:25pt" type="text" value="" id="seq_box"> <br> </div> </body> <script> /* function Sequence ( contexte, osc_type, start_freq, freq_changes, interval, box_id ) { this.start_freq = start_freq; this.freq_changes = freq_changes; this.interval = interval; this.box = document.getElementById( box_id ); this.contexte = contexte; this.step = 0; this.current_freq = this.start_freq; this.osc = this.contexte.createOscillator(); this.osc.type = osc_type; this.osc.frequency.value = this.start_freq; this.osc_amp = this.contexte.createGain(); this.osc_amp.gain.value = 0.125; this.osc.connect(osc_amp); } Sequence.prototype.change_note = function ( when ) { // get the next frequency change from the // freq_change array var freq_change = this.freq_changes[this.step % this.freq_changes.length]; // move along the step, ready for the next time we get called this.step ++; // update the frequency this.current_freq = this.current_freq + freq_change; // check if it went too high or too low if (this.current_freq > 1500 || this.current_freq < 100){ this.current_freq = this.start_freq; } // print the chosen frequncy into the input tag so we can see it this.box.value = this.current_freq; // finally, change the frequency of the oscillator osc.frequency.setValueAtTime(this.current_freq, when); }; var seq_1 = new Sequence ('triangle', 200, [200], 0.5, 'freq_box'); */ var start_freq = 200; var current_freq = start_freq; var freq_changes = [200]; var step = 0; var interval = 0.5; // speed up here function changeNote(when){ // get the next frequency change from the // freq_change array var freq_change = freq_changes[step % freq_changes.length]; // move along the step, ready for the next time we get called step ++; // update the frequency current_freq = current_freq + freq_change; // check if it went too high or too low if (current_freq > 1500 || current_freq < 100){ current_freq = start_freq; } // print the chosen frequncy into the input tag so we can see it document.getElementById('freq_box').value = current_freq; // finally, change the frequency of the oscillator seq_selection (); document.getElementById('freq_box_2').value = seq(current_freq); document.getElementById('seq_box').value = current_seq; osc.frequency.setValueAtTime(current_freq, when); osc2.frequency.setValueAtTime( seq(current_freq) , when); } function seq ( freq ) { switch ( current_seq ) { case 0: return (freq * 0.075) * (freq * 0.075); case 1: return 13000 - (freq * 0.075) * (freq * 0.075); case 2: return 1600 - freq; /* case 3: return break; case 4: break; case 5: break;*/ } } var current_seq_since = 0; var current_seq = 0; function seq_selection () { current_seq_since++; if (current_seq_since > 6) { current_seq_since = 0; current_seq = Math.floor( Math.random() * 3); } } var audio_context = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; var con = new audio_context(); var osc = con.createOscillator(); osc.type = 'triangle'; osc.frequency.value = start_freq; var osc_amp = con.createGain(); osc_amp.gain.value = 0.125; osc.connect(osc_amp); var osc2 = con.createOscillator(); osc2.type = 'sawtooth'; osc2.frequency.value = start_freq; var osc2_amp = con.createGain(); osc2_amp.gain.value = 0.125; osc2.connect(osc2_amp); var del = con.createDelay(); osc_amp.connect(del); osc2_amp.connect(del); var fb = con.createGain(); del.connect(fb); fb.connect(del); del.delayTime.value = 0.25; fb.gain.value = 0.75; del.connect(con.destination); //osc_amp.connect(con.destination); osc.start(); osc2.start(); // this code will wake up every (wait_time) ms // and schedule a load of drum triggers on the clock // each time, remembering where it scheduled to in the future // so it does not repeat anything var wait_time = 0.5; var got_up_to; setInterval(function(){ var now = con.currentTime; // how far into the future will we schedule? // we schedule beyond the next wait time as we cannot // rely on it being exactly 'wait_time' ms before // we get woken up again, therefore put in a few // extra events on the scheduler to cover any delays var max_future_time = now + (wait_time * 1.5); if (got_up_to > now) {// already scheduled up to this point now = got_up_to; } while (now <= max_future_time){ changeNote(now); now += interval; } got_up_to = now; }, wait_time*1000); </script>