(0) Introduction
Using the exercise files
HTML5 and Semantics
What are web semantics
Semantic HTML5
HTML5 content models
HTML5 Document Structure
Structuring HTML5 documents
Defining HTML5 documents
Supporting legacy browsers
Organizing content
Creating document sections
Identifying the main content
Using headings properly
Building navigation
Properly nesting structure
Structuring headers
Structuring footers
Checking document structure
Sectioning roots
Grouping Content with HTML5
Working with figure and figcaption
Grouping content with asides
Using divs in HTML5
Working with lists in HTML5
Emphasizing text correctly
Citing works semantically
Using the address element
Using the small element
Using the mark element
Working with date and time
Defining link relationships
Extending Meaning
Writing comments
Working with meta tags
Using class and ID attributes
Using ARIA landmark roles
Introducing microformats, microdata, and RDFa
Using microdata
Nesting rich data
Checking page semantics
Additional resources