(0) Introduction
Using the exercise files
Exploring default styling
CSS authoring tools
CSS syntax
Writing a selector
Setting properties
Common units of measurement
Inline styles
Embedded styles
Using external style sheets
Checking for browser support
Dealing with browser inconsistencies
Targeting Page Content
Structuring HTML correctly
Element selectors
Class selectors
ID selectors
Using classes and IDs
Element-specific selectors
The universal selector
Grouping selectors
Descendent selectors
Child selectors
Adjacent selectors
Attribute selectors
Pseudo-class selectors
Dynamic pseudo-class selectors
Structural pseudo-class selectors
Nth-child selectors
Pseudo-element selectors
Targeting page content - Lab
Targeting page content - Solution
Resolving Conflicts
What happens when styles conflict
Understanding the cascade
Using inheritance
Selector specificity
The !important declaration
Reducing conflicts through planning
Resolving conflicts - Lab
Resolving conflicts - Solution
Basic Text Formatting
Setting a font family
Using @font-face
Setting font size
Font style and font weight
Transforming text
Using text variants
Text decoration options
Setting text color
Writing font shorthand notation
Controlling text alignment
Letter and word spacing
Indenting text
Adjusting paragraph line height
Controlling the space between elements
Basic text formatting - Lab
Basic text formatting - Solution
Styling Container Elements
Understanding the box model
Controlling element spacing
Controlling interior spacing
Margin and padding shorthand notation
Adding borders
Defining element size
Creating rounded corners
Background properties
Using background images
Controlling image positioning
Using multiple backgrounds
Background shorthand notation
Styling container elements - Lab
Styling container elements - Solution
Working with Color
Color keyword definitions
Understanding hexadecimal notation
Using RGB values
Using HSL values
Working with opacity
Using RGBa and HSLa
Styling drop shadows
CSS gradients
Working with color - Lab
Working with color - Solution
Additional resources