|<- [[Sizes Attribute]]|[[srcset and sizes quizz]] ->|
====== srcset and sizes Quiz ======
I want to recap what you just learned about the image attributes ''%%srcset%%'' and ''%%sizes%%''. This is a chance for you to take a closer look at the syntax of each attribute before trying them out on a real page in the next two quizzes.
In this quiz, you’ll experiment with ''%%srcset%%'', and in the next you’ll add ''%%sizes%%'' to give the browser even more information.
===== Syntax =====
There are two flavors of ''%%srcset%%'', one using ''%%x%%'' to differentiate between device pixel ratios (DPR), and the other using ''%%w%%'' to describe the image’s width.
==== Reacting to Device Pixel Ratio ====
Set ''%%srcset%%'' equal to a comma separated string of ''%%filename multiplier%%'' pairs, where each ''%%multiplier%%'' must be an integer followed by an ''%%x%%''.
For example, ''%%1x%%'' represents 1x displays and ''%%2x%%'' represents displays with twice the pixel density, like Apple’s Retina displays.
The browser will download the image that best corresponds to its DPR .
Also, note that there’s a ''%%src%%'' attribute as a fallback.
==== Reacting to Image Width ====
Set ''%%srcset%%'' equal to a comma separated string of ''%%filename widthDescriptor%%'' pairs, where each ''%%widthDescriptor%%'' is measured in pixels and must be an integer followed by a ''%%w%%''. Here, the ''%%widthDescriptor%%'' gives the natural width of each image file, which enables the browser to choose the most appropriate image to request, depending on viewport size and DPR. (Without the ''%%widthDescriptor%%'', the browser cannot know the width of an image without downloading it!)
Also, note that there’s a ''%%src%%'' attribute as a fallback.
Ready to give it a shot? Click “Continue to Quiz” to try it out!
Here are my finished image tags:
==== DPR (Den Haag) ====
Notice how I’ve got a ''%%src%%'' as a backup. The order of the sources in ''%%srcset%%'' doesn’t matter. Also, if you omit the multiplier, it will default to ''%%1x%%'', meaning that
srcset="images/Den_Haag_2x.jpg 2x, images/Den_Haag_1x.jpg 1x"
is the same as
srcset="images/Den_Haag_2x.jpg 2x, images/Den_Haag_1x.jpg"
==== Image Width (Australia) ====
Once again, there’s a ''%%src%%'' backup and you can switch the order of the images in ''%%srcset%%''.