|<- [[The Full Monty]]|[[Accessibility Promise]] ->| navigateur links utiliser l'attribut alt de manière responsable chromevox pour la lecture de site les images décoratives, sans sens propre devraient avoir une balise alt-vide --- [[http://invisible-island.net/lynx/|Here’s Lynx]] [[http://www.chromevox.com/|Here’s ChromeVox]] [[http://udacity.github.io/responsive-images/examples/3-04/forARIA/index.html|Here’s the site Cam uses]] ==== General advice about alt attributes ==== * ''%%alt%%'' attributes should be descriptive for important images, like this body surfer. Because body surfing is important, I guess. * ''%%alt%%'' attributes should be empty for images that are just decorations, like this boiler image. Do you get the joke? It’s a boiler to represent boiler plate code, which is sometimes empty of content. * ''%%alt%%'' attributes should be set on every image, just like this pig is set on being so darn cute.