- (0) Introduction - [[hsss:Welcome]] - [[hsss:Using the exercise files]] - HTML5 and Semantics - [[hsss:What are web semantics?]] - [[hsss:Semantic HTML5]] - [[hsss:HTML5 content models]] - HTML5 Document Structure - [[hsss:Structuring HTML5 documents]] - [[hsss:Defining HTML5 documents]] - [[hsss:Supporting legacy browsers]] - [[hsss:Organizing content]] - [[hsss:Creating document sections]] - [[hsss:Identifying the main content]] - [[hsss:Using headings properly]] - [[hsss:Building navigation]] - [[hsss:Properly nesting structure]] - [[hsss:Structuring headers]] - [[hsss:Structuring footers]] - [[hsss:Checking document structure]] - [[hsss:Sectioning roots]] - Grouping Content with HTML5 - [[hsss:Working with figure and figcaption]] - [[hsss:Grouping content with asides]] - [[hsss:Using divs in HTML5]] - [[hsss:Working with lists in HTML5]] - [[hsss:Emphasizing text correctly]] - [[hsss:Citing works semantically]] - [[hsss:Using the address element]] - [[hsss:Using the small element]] - [[hsss:Using the mark element]] - [[hsss:Working with date and time]] - [[hsss:Defining link relationships]] - Extending Meaning - [[hsss:Writing comments]] - [[hsss:Working with meta tags]] - [[hsss:Using class and ID attributes]] - [[hsss:Using ARIA landmark roles]] - [[hsss:Introducing microformats, microdata, and RDFa]] - [[hsss:Using microdata]] - [[hsss:Nesting rich data]] - [[hsss:Checking page semantics]] - Conclusion - [[hsss:Additional resources]]