===== Harvard CS50x ===== ==== Index ==== * [[welcome|Welcome to HarvardX's CS50x!]] * Week 0 * [[week 0:Lecture]] * [[week 0:Lecture, continued]] * [[week 0:Walkthroughs]] * Shorts * [[week 0:Algorithms]] * [[week 0:ASCII]] * [[week 0:Binary]] * [[week 0:Scratch]] * [[week 0:Threads]] * [[week 0:Problem set 0]] * Week 1 * [[week 1:Lecture]] * [[week 1:Lecture, continued]] * [[week 1:Walkthroughs]] * [[week 1:Section]] * [[week 1:section:Command Line]] * [[week 1:section:Data types]] * [[week 1:section:Operators]] * [[week 1:section:Conditional statements]] * [[week 1:section:Loops]] * Shorts * [[week 1:shorts:Boolean values]] * [[week 1:shorts:Compilers]] * [[week 1:shorts:Functions]] * [[week 1:shorts:Libraries]] * [[week 1:shorts:Loops]] * [[week 1:shorts:Make, Clang]] * [[week 1:shorts:Precedence]] * [[week 1:shorts:Style]] * [[week 1:shorts:Typecasting]] * [[week 1:shorts:Variables]] * [[week 1:Problem set 1]] * Week 2 * [[week 2:Lecture]] * [[week 2:Lecture, continued]] * [[week 2:Walkthroughs]] * [[week 2:Section]] * [[week 2:section:Administrivia]] * [[week 2:section:Functions]] * [[week 2:section:Variable and Scope]] * [[week 2:section:Arrays]] * [[week 2:section:Command line arguments]] * [[week 2:section:Magic numbers]] * Shorts * [[week 2:shorts:Arrays]] * [[week 2:shorts:Caesar cipher]] * [[week 2:shorts:Command line arguments]] * [[week 2:shorts:Global Variables]] * [[week 2:shorts:Redirecting and pipes]] * [[week 2:shorts:Return Values]] * [[week 2:shorts:RSA]] * [[week 2:shorts:Scope]] * [[week 2:shorts:Vigenère cipher]] * [[week 2:Problem set 2]] * Week 3 * [[week 3:Lecture]] * [[week 3:Lecture, continued]] * [[week 3:Walkthroughs]] * [[week 3:Section]] * [[week 3:section:GDB]] * [[week 3:section:Computational complexity]] * [[week 3:section:Selection sort]] * [[week 3:section:Bubble sort]] * [[week 3:section:Insertion sort]] * [[week 3:section:Merge sort]] * [[week 3:section:Linear search]] * [[week 3:section:Binary search]] * [[week 3:section:Algorithms summary]] * [[week 3:Shorts]] * [[week 3:shorts:Asymptotic Notation]] * [[week 3:shorts:Binary search]] * [[week 3:shorts:Bubble sort]] * [[week 3:shorts:Insertion sort]] * [[week 3:shorts:Linear search]] * [[week 3:shorts:Quicksort]] * [[week 3:shorts:Selection sort]] * [[week 3:Problem set 3]] * Week 4 * [[week 4:Lecture]] * [[week 4:Lecture, continued]] * [[week 4:Walkthroughs]] * [[week 4:Section]] * [[week 4:section:Hexadecimal]] * [[week 4:section:Pointers]] * [[week 4:section:Dynamic memory allocation]] * [[week 4:section:Structures]] * [[week 4:section:Defining custom types]] * [[week 4:section:Recursion]] * [[week 4:section:Call stack]] * [[week 4:Shorts]] * [[week 4:shorts:File I/O]] * [[week 4:shorts:GDB]] * [[week 4:shorts:Merge sort]] * [[week 4:shorts:Pointers]] * [[week 4:shorts:Recursion]] * [[week 4:shorts:Strings]] * [[week 4:shorts:Structs]] * [[week 4:Problem set 4]] * Week 5 * [[week 5:Lecture]] * [[week 5:Lecture, continued]] * [[week 5:Walkthroughs]] * [[week 5:Section]] * [[week 5:section:File pointers]] * [[week 5:section:Singly-linked lists]] * [[week 5:section:Doubly-linked lists]] * [[week 5:Shorts]] * [[week 5:shorts:CS50 Library]] * [[week 5:shorts:Singly linked lists]] * [[week 5:shorts:Valgrind]] * Week 6 * [[week 6:Lecture]] * [[week 6:Section]] * [[week 6:section:Stacks]] * [[week 6:section:Queues]] * [[week 6:section:Hash tables]] * [[week 6:section:Tries]] * [[week 6:section:Data structures summary]] * [[week 6:Shorts]] * [[week 6:shorts:Hash tables]] * [[week 6:shorts:Queues]] * [[week 6:shorts:Trees]] * [[week 6:shorts:Tries]] * [[week 6:Problem set 5]] * Week 7 * [[week 7:Lecture]] * [[week 7:Lecture, continued]] * [[week 7:Walkthroughs]] * [[week 7:Section]] * [[week 7:section:Internet Primer]] * [[week 7:section:IP]] * [[week 7:section:TCP]] * [[week 7:section:HTTP]] * [[week 7:section:CSS]] * [[week 7:section:HTML]] * [[week 7:Shorts]] * [[week 7:shorts:CSS]] * [[week 7:shorts:HTML]] * [[week 7:shorts:HTTP]] * [[week 7:shorts:PHP syntax]] * [[week 7:Problem set 6]] * Week 8 * [[week 8:Lecture]] * [[week 8:Lecture, continued]] * [[week 8:Walkthroughs]] * [[week 8:Section]] * [[week 8:section:PHP syntax]] * [[week 8:section:PHP for web development]] * [[week 8:section:MVC]] * [[week 8:section:SQL]] * [[week 8:Shorts]] * [[week 8:shorts:PHP Sessions]] * [[week 8:shorts:PHP web development]] * [[week 8:shorts:SQL]] * [[week 8:Problem set 7]] * Week 9 * [[week 9:Lecture]] * [[week 9:Lecture, continued]] * [[week 9:Walkthroughs]] * [[week 9:Section]] * [[week 9:section:DOM]] * [[week 9:section:JavaScript]] * [[week 9:section:Ajax]] * [[week 9:Shorts]] * [[week 9:shorts:DOM]] * [[week 9:Problem set 8]] * Week 10 * [[week 10:Lecture]] * [[week 10:Lecture, continued]] * Week 11 * [[week 11:Lecture]] * [[week 11:Lecture, continued]] * [[week 11:AI Series]] * [[week 11:AI Series:Recommender systems]] * [[week 11:AI Series:Self-driving cars]] * Week 12 * [[week 12:Lecture]] * [[week 12:Seminars]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Awesome iPhone Apps with Objective-C]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Building Apps for Mobile, Gaming, IoT and more using AWS DynamoDB]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Contain Yourself: An Intro to Docker and Containers]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Customizing Cloud9 and the CS50 IDE]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Exploring JavaScript and the Web Audio API]] * [[week 12:Seminars:From C to Python]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Fun with Music and Programming]] * [[week 12:Seminars:How (and Why) You Should Use Git]] * [[week 12:Seminars:iOS App Development with Swift]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Python Web Apps with Flask]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Responsive Design with Bootstrap]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Ruby on Rails]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Statistical Programming with R]] * [[week 12:Seminars:The Internet of Things]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Web Apps of the Future with React]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Web Scraping with Nokogiri/Kimono]] * [[week 12:Seminars:Writing 2D Games in C using SDL]] * [[week 12:Final Project]] ==== Notes ==== === Week 0 === === Week 1 === === Week 2 === === Week 3 === === Week 4 === === Week 5 === === Week 6 === === Week 7 === === Week 8 === === Week 9 === === Week 10 === === Week 11 === === Week 12 ===