====== Editors ====== ^3D| | | |3D View| ^Animation| | | |Timeline| | |Graph Editor| | |Dope Sheet| | |NLA Editor| ^Image/Video| | | |UV/Image Editor| | |Video Sequence Editor| | |Movie Clip Editor| ^Nodes/Logic| | | |Text Editor| | |Node Editor| | |Logic Editor| ^Settings| | | |Properties Editor| | |Outliner| | |Preferences| | |Info| ^Other| | | |File Browser| | |Python Console| ===== 3D View ===== ==== Introduction ==== header : {{ http://www.blender.org/manual/_images/editor_3dview-header.jpg |}} {{http://www.blender.org/manual/_images/editor_3dview-view-menu.jpg}} navigation: ^Orbit (MMB)|Rotate the view around the point of interest.| ^Pan (Shift-MMB)|Move the view up, down, left and right| ^Zoom (Ctrl-MMB/Wheel)|Move the camera forwards and backwards| ^CTRL+NumberKey|Pan| ^Ctrl-Shift-MMB|Dolly the view| ^Ctrl-Alt-Q|Toggle Quad View| ^Alt-B|Set Clipping Border| Permet de sélectionner une zone à rendre dans la 3D view pour économiser les ressources. ^Maj+F|Walk/Fly Mode (ou View -> Navigation -> Walk navigation)| ^|Move the mouse left/right to pan the view left/right or move it up/down to tilt the view up/down.| ^(W/S)|Move the camera forward/backward.| ^(A/D)|Strafe left/right.| ^(V)|Jump - only in ‘gravity’ mode.| ^(Q/E)|Move up and down - only in ‘free’ mode.| ^(Tab)|Alternate between ‘free’ and ‘gravity’ modes.| ^WheelUp or NumpadPlus|Change the movement speed: to increase the movement speed for this open session| ^WheelDown or to NumpadMinus|decrease the movement speed for this open session| ^Shift (hold)|to speed up the movement temporarily| ^Alt (hold)|to slow down the movement temporarily| ==== Modes ==== ^Object Mode| ^Edit Mode| ^Pose Mode| ^Sculpt Mode| ^Vertex Paint| ^Weight Paint| ^Texture Paint| ^Particle Edit| === Regions of the 3D View === ^Toolshelf| ^Properties Region| === Local View === ^NumpadSlash|Global/Local view| En vue locale, les objets non sélectionnés ne sont plus affichés. Cela peut-être utile pour obtenir de meilleures performances du viewport, ou pour ne pas être géné par d'autres objets. ==== Navigating ==== === Introduction === === 3D View === === Camera View === ==== Transforms ==== === Introduction === === Grab/Move === === Rotate === === Scale === === Transform Control === ==== Modes ==== ==== Shading ==== === Shading Modes === === Shading Panel === ==== Display ==== === Display Panel === === View Panel === ==== Layers ==== === Working with Layers === ==== 3D Cursor ==== === Placement === ==== Background Images ==== === Settings ===