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Logical and Critical Thinking - The University of Auckland

  1. introduction to logical and critical thinking
    1. Why do we need to learn Logical and Critical Thinking skills?
    2. Obstacles to Logical and Critical Thinking
    3. Summary
  2. the basics of arguments
    1. Introduction
    2. The Intricacies of Arguments
    3. Summary
  3. logic and arguments
    1. Introduction
    2. The Basics of Logic
    3. Summary
  4. good and bad arguments
    1. Introduction
    2. Good and Bad Arguments
    3. Summary
  5. science
    1. Introduction and the scientific method
    2. When good science goes wrong
    3. Summary
  6. law
    1. Introduction: logical and critical thinking in the law
    2. The burden of proof, authority, and fairness
    3. Summary
  7. morality
    1. Introduction: moral arguments and moral theories
    2. Moral relativism and moral reasoning
    3. Summary of Week 7: Logical and Critical Thinking and Morality.
  8. recapitulation and conclusion
    1. How are our logical and critical thinking skills now?
    2. Summary
lct/index.1517263909.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/29 23:11 by leo