<body> <div style="background:#222222;color:white;height:100%" > <canvas id="dial1" nx="dial" min="0" max="100"></canvas> <!-- put your canvas tag here --> <canvas id="dial2" nx="dial"></canvas> <canvas id="dial3" nx="dial" min="0" max="1000" value="200"></canvas> <h2>Programming tasks</h2> <ol> <li>Add another canvas tag. It should have the id dial2 and the nx type of dial. Check that it changes the sound when you move the dial. </li> <li>Add a line to the dial1Changed function so that moving the dial changes the value of the lfo's frequency. Put it in an appropriate range for the LFO. </li> <li><b>Challenge</b>: add another dial to control the 'depth' of the lfo. The depth is how much it adds or subtracts from the frequency of osc. </li> </ol> </div> <script> var audio_context = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; var con = new audio_context(); // this time, we create two oscillators var osc = con.createOscillator(); var lfo = con.createOscillator(); // lfo_amp is not an oscillator - it is a 'gain node' var lfo_amp = con.createGain(); // we set the gain to 200 - it multiplies the input by 200! lfo_amp.gain.value = 200; osc.frequency.value = 300; lfo.frequency.value = 10; // now for the wiring // ... // connect the lfo oscillator // to the gain node, so it is boosted // from the range -1 to 1 to -200 to 200 lfo.connect(lfo_amp); // connect the gain node into the frequency // control for the main oscillator lfo_amp.connect(osc.frequency); // connect the main oscillator to the audio out osc.connect(con.destination); // fire em up! // (you might want to do this in 'onmousedown' // so they only start when the user clicks) osc.start(); lfo.start(); var dial1, dial2, dial3; nx.onload = function(){ nx.colorize('accent', "#FF0000"); // sets accent (default) nx.colorize('fill', "#777777"); // sets accent (default) dial1.on('*', dial1Changed); dial2.on('*', dial2Changed); dial3.on('*', dial3Changed); dial1.set({ value: 10 }); dial2.set({ value: 0.3 }); dial3.set({ value: 200 }); }; function dial1Changed(data){ // the value of the dial comes in as // data.value // can you use this to set the frequency of the // lfo? // make sure you put it in a sensible range // for the lfo, e.g. 0-100 //... write your code here! lfo.frequency.value = data.value; } function dial2Changed(data){ osc.frequency.value = data.value * 1000; } function dial3Changed(data){ lfo_amp.gain.value = data.value; } </script> </body> <!-- I'm putting the script tag inside the body tag as that is closer to valid HTML -->