- Introduction - [[wpwwggb:Welcome]] - [[wpwwggb:What you should know]] - [[wpwwggb:Using the exercise files ]] - Getting Started - [[wpwwggb:Why workflow management?]] - [[wpwwggb:Exploring our workflow]] - [[wpwwggb:Installing requirements]] - [[wpwwggb:Creating a package.json file]] - [[wpwwggb:Adding our assets]] - [[wpwwggb:Including our JavaScript files]] - [[wpwwggb:Using Sass and Compass for CSS]] - [[wpwwggb:Tracking our project with Git and GitHub]] - Setting Up a Development Workflow - [[wpwwggb:Installing Gulp.js]] - [[wpwwggb:Processing our first task with gulp-coffee]] - [[wpwwggb:Combining our JavaScript]] - [[wpwwggb:Importing libraries with Browserify]] - [[wpwwggb:Processing Sass and Compass ]] - Setting Up Builds and Automation - [[wpwwggb:Issuing tasks in sequence and by default]] - [[wpwwggb:Watching changes to our files]] - [[wpwwggb:Reloading our browser automatically]] - [[wpwwggb:Adding static reloads]] - Creating Production builds - [[wpwwggb:Setting up environment variables]] - [[wpwwggb:Uglifying conditionally with gulpif]] - [[wpwwggb:Minifying our HTML]] - [[wpwwggb:Crushing our JSON file]] - [[wpwwggb:Compressing images]] - Conclusion - [[wpwwggb:Next steps]]