* Pandora, Fredrikson Stallard * NeON/Crystallize, Paul Cocksedge * Bone Furniture, Joris Laarman * Mechanical Dresses / Laser Dresses, Hussein Chalayan * Lolita / Lo-Rez-Dolores-Tabula-Rasa, Ron Arad * Clone Chaise, Sam Buxton * Archeology of the Future, Stijn Ossevoort * Pegasus and the Winged Lion / Etch Series, Christopher Pearson * Book of Lights, Takeshi Ishiguro * Flight / Attracted to Light, Geoffrey Mann * Changing Cupboard / Sketch Furniture, Front * Pong Table / By Royal Appointment, Moritz Waldemeyer * Sonumbra / BioWall, Loop.pH * 3D Display Cube, James Clar * Reed / Tree / Lightweeds / 3, Rising Slowly, Simon Heijdens * Open Burble, Usman Haque * Battles / UVA vs Chemical Brothers / Volume / Triptych, United Visual Artists * Bix / Spots, realities:united * All the Time in the World, Troika * Loop System Quinter / Palindrome / Binary Star, Conrad Shawcross * Mechanical Mirrors, Daniel Rozin * Listening Post, Mark Hansen & Ben Rubin * Standards and Double Standards / Synaptic Caguamas / Wavefunction, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer * Divide / Home Movie 500-1 / Home Movie 608-1, Jim Campbell * Moving Neon Cube / Walking Cube / Changing Neon Sculpture, Jeppe Hein * Robotic Chair, Max Dean, Raffaello D'Andrea, Matt Donovan * Ondulation, Thomas McIntosh * Showtime / Sara Dancing (Sparkly Top) / Bruce & Suzanne Walking, Julian Opie * Machine #1.4, James Carrigan * Bridge, Michael Cross * Bit.flow / Bit.fall, Julius Popp * Planet Space Rover / Orgamat / Drone #6 / Solar Kinetic Object #28, Bjorn Schulke * Equilibrium Point / Pulsate / Protrude, Flow, Sachiko Kodama * Tambourin / Circular Structure / Duo, Peter Vogel * Tool's Life, minim++ * The Source, Greyworld * Counter Void, Tatsuo Miyajima * Firebirds, Paul DeMarinis * Cloud, Troika * GraffitiWriter / StreetWriter, Institute for Applied Autonomy * Led Throwies / L.A.S.E.R. Tag, Graffiti Research Lab * Wildlife, Karolina Sobecka * TV-B-Gone, Mitch Altman * SpokePOV, Limor Fried * Tapis Volant, HeHe * Earworm Assault Devices / PainStation / Furminator, fur * Shadow Monsters, Philip Worthington * PixelRoller / PixelShade / Pixelography / TPM Edition, rAndom International * Scanner Photography, Michael Golembewski * Hektor / Rita, Jurg Lehni * Weather Guitar, Simon Blackmore * Helioforms, Zach DeBord & Kim Jackson DeBord * Modified Toy Orchestra, Brian Duffy * Hard Wired Devices, Roger Ibars * Availabot, Schulze & Webb * iLog, Owl Project * P*Phone / Penelope*Phone / Pip*Phone, Hulger * Phonofone II, Science & Sons * Pixi, Industrial Facility * Pancam, Mark Hauenstein * Skywriter / Internet Connected Displays, Luckybite * Vomoder / VideoBulb / Duper/Looper, Ryota Kuwakubo * SMS Guerrilla Projector, Troika * Audio Tooth Implant / Iso-Phone / Social Tele-Presence, Auger-Loizeau * Access, Marie Sester * Desire Management / Bra Removal Trainer, Noam Toran * Feral Robotic Dogs / OOZ Project, Natalie Jeremijenko * Trigger Happy, Tim Stolzenburg * Subversive Sightseeing, Tim Simpson * Technological Dream Series: No. 1, Robots / Do You Want to Replace the Existing `Normal'?, Dunne & Raby * The Uncle Phone / 22 Pop, Aparna Rao * ZXZX / Mr Jones Watches / Katazukue, Crispin Jones * Peer Pressure Project, Alice Wang * Looking for God, Fernando Orellana * Stealth Products / Corporate Sabotage, Kok-Chian Leong * Precision Toaster / Hari & Parker, Onkar Kular * Naki Series / Tsukuba Series / Edelweiss Series, Maywa Denki * Electroprobe, Troika