- Introduction - [[jsfn:Welcome]] - [[jsfn:What you should know before watching this course]] - [[jsfn:Using the exercise files]] - Getting Started - [[jsfn:What are functions?]] - [[jsfn:Declaring functions]] - [[jsfn:Invoking functions traditionally]] - Function Invocation - [[jsfn:Using functions as objects]] - [[jsfn:Invoking instances through the constructor]] - [[jsfn:Expanding functionality through prototype]] - [[jsfn:Understanding call-and-apply invocation]] - [[jsfn:Using the arguments parameter]] - [[jsfn:Returning values]] - [[jsfn:Challenge - Social media navigation]] - [[jsfn:Solution - Social media navbar]] - Using Functions - [[jsfn:Using anonymous closures]] - [[jsfn:Understanding hoisting and variable scope]] - [[jsfn:Creating and namespacing modules]] - [[jsfn:Passing arguments and setting module defaults]] - [[jsfn:Chaining module method calls]] - Conclusion - [[jsfn:Next steps]]