|<- [[Using the exercise files]]|[[Downloading and installing D3]] ->| ===== What is d3.js? ===== * Framework/visualisation library for building data-driven graphics * using open web standards * familiar conventions * Works with modern browsers (>IE9). * CSS-like selector format * JQuery like function chaining * easy parsing of data : texte, json, html, csv, tsv * data binding * advanced interaction * built-in physics engine * click & drag behaviour + touch d3.select("greeting") .html("


); d3.selectAll("ul li") .html("item"); d3.select("#graph") .append("svg") .attr("height", 100) .append("circle") .style("fill", "red") .attr("r", 40) .attr("cx", 50) .attr("cy", 50)
====Data binding==== d3.json("http://url.com", function() { // callback to process the data }